Set in the prestigious Alexandra House, Grand Majestic Sichuan is a glamorous escape, where polished waiters perform punctilious tableside moves, the clink of Champagne glasses chimes through the air, and a jubilant energy courses through the dining room, temporarily suspended in fantasy under the glow of chandeliers.
The theatre of the space sets the scene for a fascinating journey into the flame-fired depths of Sichuan cookery, one of the most comprehensive and nuanced of all the regional Chinese cooking traditions.
Pulsating with heat and multi-layered in approach, traditional recipes mine the riches of China’s best-loved culinary tradition, and have been developed in collaboration with Fuchsia Dunlop, the authority on Chinese gastronomy in the English-speaking world. Collaborating with Head Chef Theign Phan to create time-tested recipes, they are executed with a refined touch by the seasoned industry veteran whose risen through the culinary ranks from Australia to Singapore and now, Hong Kong.